What a time we have had walking verse-by-verse through the book of Colossians. It has taught us the greatness and grandeur of Jesus over and above anyone or anything else. It is Jesus who makes suffering worth it. It is Jesus that brings together people from all different walks of life. It is Jesus who perfectly unites everything in the cosmos, including the church. For this reason, let’s build our lives on this Rock. Here are three takeaways from our time in Colossians.

1 / Jesus is Our Foundation
Build your life from Jesus. He’s our foundation and we must be daily reminded of who He is and what He has done! This happens through prayer and intimate, meditative, reflective reading. What is the foundation of your life outside of Christ? Family, ethnic background, comfort? How do you begin your day?

2 / Jesus is Our Fuel
Build your life through Jesus. Depend on Him regularly for everything. What gets you through the day? What is the fuel for your life? Podcasts, social media, friends?

3 / Jesus is Our Finish Line
Build your life to Jesus! Allow for Him to be the goal of your life. What is the best future for your life? Is it a future with Jesus, or something else? What does crossing the finish line look like? If Jesus is the finish line of our lives, His glory must be the end goal for us daily. How have you helped someone in their journey with Jesus this week? Maybe God is calling you to start a Bible study. Move out in the authority of Jesus. (Matthew 28:16-20)

As we continue to grow as a community, may we all be more and more committed to individually seeing Christ more central to our lives, and helping those around us as well. We look forward to the fruit of this study going forward.


1 / Church Partners Continue
We continue to have churches stepping up to bless us with long term commitments and one time offerings.

2 / Monthly Donations Increasing
As we build a core group, we continue to build monthly recurring commitments! Please prayerfully consider adding newcreation to your budget.

3 / Monthly Costs Down
Location! As we work through the details, the monthly costs of meeting at ACE are coming in below our expectations.


From the first chapters of Genesis through the closing scenes in Revelation, the Bible is the book of God’s salvation. From start to finish, its one unifying theme is that of grace and forgiveness for sinners through God’s redeeming work in Jesus Christ.

let’s socialize


Pray that God will provide financial partners as we aim for $30k per month.
Please pray for the people of Parramore and Creative Village and that the Lord would open doors for us to build the necessary relationships in the area.
Please pray that Lord would continue to add to our number as He sees fit. Please pray for those who are prayerfully considering joining our team and that the Lord would make His will clear to them.
Please pray that the Lord would open up doors for a building in downtown.

Sundays at 1030a

We exist to live out heaven’s cultural values through creative-redemptive innovation so that people from all nations may experience the glorious reality of new creation in Christ. Join us as we seek to bring the ministry of reconciliation to Orlando.

701 W Livingston Street

Wednesdays at 6a

Join us every week as we walk through verse by verse in Judges together, coming hungry and expecting to be fed by the Spirit.