Greetings! We pray that you grew closer to the Lord over the past month through meditations on his Word and time with your brothers and sisters in Christ. The Lord blessed us and continued to work out amazing testimonies over the past month, both in the life of our church plant progress and in the lives of those that make up newcreation. Starting in the next couple of months, we are eager and excited to start sharing some of these absolutely incredible testimonies, so be on the look out for that.

The past month has been heavy. From the racially-motivated shooting in Buffalo to the elementary school shooting in Uvalde, TX, and the many other pains and thorns we experience in this sin-ravaged world, we would like to encourage you with this blog as Marshall Segal dives into the emotional highs and lows the psalms address through the course of this amazing book.


Marshall Segal // Desiring God

The psalms are not a simple chorus repeated over and over again, but a symphony, filled with as many experiences and emotions as humans endure and feel. The five books that make up Psalms really are a master class in human adversity.

By the grace of God in all his goodness, we are entering into our second phase of planting in Orlando, that begins June 1 and will go through about August 1.

Phase 2: Petition & Preparation / Neh. 2:1-8

→ Praying for Kingdom Opportunities
→ Investigate Community
→ Personal Evangelism
→ Equipping Team
→ Monthly Vision Meetings
→ Weekly Bible Study with Worship and Prayer
→ Developing Internal Generosity
→ Establishing Incarnational Presence

One of our big prayers going into this upcoming month is a meeting with the principals of Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) on June 13. Pray that the Lord will make His will clear and obvious to us as we navigate building these relationships and possibly having ACE be the first physical meeting location for newcreation.

In the near future, we will be changing the day our Bible study meets, so make sure you are following us on social to ensure you’re getting that update!

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. (Psalm 127:1) Let’s remember that as we strive to work heartily for the Lord, that it is he who brings fruitfulness in all things.

let’s socialize


Pray that God will provide financial partners as we aim for $30k per month.
Please pray for the people of Parramore and Creative Village and that the Lord would open doors for us to build the necessary relationships in the area.
Please pray that Lord would continue to add to our number as He sees fit. Please pray for those who are prayerfully considering joining our team and that the Lord would make His will clear to them.
Please pray that the Lord would open up doors for a building in downtown.

Sundays at 1030a

We exist to live out heaven’s cultural values through creative-redemptive innovation so that people from all nations may experience the glorious reality of new creation in Christ. Join us as we seek to bring the ministry of reconciliation to Orlando.

701 W Livingston Street

Wednesdays at 6a

Join us every week as we walk through verse by verse in Judges together, coming hungry and expecting to be fed by the Spirit.